Monday, 30 March 2009

Princess cupcakes

What's the occasion? Just trying Dr Oetker edible paints. Must say, they are not as easy as my usual 3-d paints, and certainly the colour choices are very limited.
But Sasha was looking with great interest at my "painting".


deb said...

very cute Princess Galina :o)

joanne wardle said...

they are fab, way too good too eat

Kaz said...

aaaaaaw how cute, Joanne's right though, way too good to eat. ;)

Chris said...

They're fab. I'll bet Sasha's eaten them now though. :-)

Carol Q said...

wow- brilliantly decorated Galina - I could never do anything like that. hope Sasha enjoyed them.

Karin said...

They look great, Bet Sasha enjoyed them.

Caroline Moore said...

You have the patience of a saint and obviously a very stand hand, these are very cute - how did they taste? :)

Audrey said...

wow - these are fab!!!

Merry said...

Wow...these are great...too good to eat.